Mark Wahlberg Battled Weight Issues For Movie Role
Like common, everyday folk, even actors and actresses have to battle their weight from time to time – and one actor recently had to lose 60 pounds to ready himself for his role.
Mark Wahlberg, star of Transformers: Age of Extinction, finished filming the movie when he lost the 60 pounds – 197 to 137 pounds – to star in his next movie The Gambler. He said he did it by doing a liquid diet and jumping rope. He said he was miserable for the four months that it took.
The 1974 film remake, in which James Caan originally starred in, also stars Jessica Lange and Michael K. Williams. February 2014 set pictures show Wahlberg looking extremely emaciated. His character is a literature professor that suffers from a multitude of addictions such as gambling.
Wahlberg said Michael Bay, the director for Transformers, recently visited him while he filmed The Gamblet and was shocked by Wahlberg’s appearance. Wahlberg said Bay said he thought he was dying.
Wahlberg said his weight loss was done under the doctor care and in a very healthy manner. He said he did have to deal with the hunger issue and serious mood swings.
He said he craved everything – usually things he typically does not eat such as pizza. Wahlberg is extremely health-conscious. He said the moment The Gambler’s filming was over, he pigged out.
Wahlberg said he consumed pancakes, hash browns, English muffins, real bacon and eggs-over-easy. He said he made himself sick for two days from it.
As for his weight now, Wahlberg said it’s back to normal, just as the Transformers movie is about to be released. The Gambler will be released in 2015. Wahlberg said that movie will be worth watching.
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