
FDA Begins Investigation Of Caffeine Powders After Ohio Student Death

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a statement saying the agency would investigate caffeine powders and consider regulatory actions after a Ohio high school student died after taking the widely available powder.

The caffeine powder can be purchased through the Internet is typically added to drinks before exercise to give the user a little “pick-me-up”. It’s also seen as method to to maintain any weight gain.

The powder is blamed for the death of student and wrestler Logan Stiner who died in his LaGrange home near Cleveland.

According to an autopsy, Stiner had a fatal dose of caffeine in his system when he died, about 70 micrograms per milliliter of blood. The coroner’s report said there’s over 20 times the level found in a typical soda or coffee drinker.

The FDA said the powder has nearly 100 percent pure caffeine in it. Just one teaspoon will give people as much caffeine as 25 cups of coffee. Therefore, just a mere five to 10 grams could be fatal.

On the FDA website, caffeine overdose symptoms include rapid heartbeat and seizures. Caffeine toxicity signs include diarrhea, disorientation, lethargy and vomiting.

Sellers have the caffeine concentrate advises people not to use more than 1/16th or 1/32nd teaspoon of the powder. However, the FDA said it’s tricky getting the right dosage with common kitchen utensils. One dose of 1/16th teaspoon is equal to two large cups of coffee (200 milligrams of caffeine).

Jennifer Dooren, an FDA spokeswoman, said the difference between a lethal and safe amount of the powder caffeine is minimal.

Physicians and health officials have expressed concern over young people’s interest in the powder. Many exercise enthusiasts use it as an energy booster while some people see it as the ideal way to drop weight quickly. Powder caffeine is sold as a dietary supplement.

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Posted by on Jul 22 2014. Filed under Health, New. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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