CDC Study Reveals Biggest Culprits Of Food-Borne Illnesses

Image courtesy of Kittikun Atsawintarangkul /
The United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention has released the list of foods that are commonly linked to outbreaks, and leafy, green vegetables cause nearly half of them. According to the CDC, kale and spinach are the most likely cause of outbreaks.
The list also included poultry, nuts, fruit and dairy.
According to Heather Mangieri, a dietician with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, so many people handle the food – from the time it has grown to the moment it reaches people’s table – that it goes through a variety of systems.
However, most of the deaths come from meat-borne illnesses like salmonella and listeria. On average, about 600 people die every year from a meat-borne illness. The majority of time, it’s the norovirus that causes people to suffer with diarrhea and vomiting.
Mangieri said it was important that the whole system was looked at.
It doesn’t matter what the cause is. It’s important people protect themselves using food-handling hygiene.
She said foods that are raw and foods that must be cooked should be kept apart to ensure there is no cross-contamination. She also said hot foods should be kept hot, saying most, if not all, of the bacteria can be killed when food is cooked to its right temperature.
Cold foods should also stay cold. Refrigerators should be set at a temperature of 40 degrees with produce being placed at the top with raw foods on the bottom.
48 million people every year get sick from food poisoning.
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