
Occupy Protests Continue

The world is watching as the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to swell in size and influence.

At first people thought it was a passing fad but when the media got caught not paying attention to the movement it sparked the interest of the public who were seeing the protesters on a daily basis but not knowing what was going on as the mainstream media was clearly negligent in their coverage of the problem and protest.

The necessary deeds that the press is supposed to engage in were openly negligent to the point of now being historic.  The press is trying to catch up and get into the good graces of the public but it’s going to be quite a chore.  Reason being is that the press more than anytime than ever has been under the gun for missing out on the biggest stories in history over the past 10 years or more.  They missed out on the Iraq War story where experts warned them there were no weapons of mass destruction, they missed out on pertinent 9/11 stories, the real estate scandals, the banking scandals, Wall St. scandals, Bernie Madoff and more.  Instead the mainstream media focused on such issues as celebrity gossip and television shows and political scandals.

This lack of integrity and direction caused a backwash of “why didn’t they warn us?” stories to the point that bloggers and other online venues scooped the major newspapers and are now more trusted by the public.  That was a major loss to the mainstream news and it hasn’t been the first time the web scooped the big boys.  Back in the late 1990s, Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com was a little known news website until he scooped everyone on the Monica Lewinsky story.  That ability to not only beat out every major news industry on the planet and lead to the impeachment of President Bill Clinton.

That was one of many, many incidents where a blog or a website got the story that others had missed. Even celebrity gossip sites like TMZ and more are killing the mainstream with scoops.  Nowadays it’s not unusual to see a blogger or website representative called upon for commentary on the big news shows, even more than print.  The old days where news services were owned and run or in collaboration with governments, big business, and the intelligence communities are dwindling.  They can’t control the news anymore and stories are being broke by the hour.  News services and governments are on constant alert not knowing when some courageous or opportunistic blogger is going to spill the beans and that’s what’s happened with the Occupy Wall St. protests.

With cold weather coming in on New York, the true test of the Occupiers is going to be tested.  Recently police riot squads cleared out Occupy Oakland protesters leading to serious injuries and establishing violence from authorities that is in conflict with the peaceful objectives of the OWS protesters.

Despite the weather, the fights, and more, the OWS movement keeps growing not only in the US but around the world.  This has gone on long enough to become part of the historic landscape and with the upcoming presidential elections and world economic conferences, these will give fertile ground to more Occupy protests so don’t expect them to go away anytime soon.

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Posted by on Oct 27 2011. Filed under New, Opinion. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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