
Chile Rocked By Powerful 8.2-Magnitude Earthquake, Not The Big One Say Geologists

Residents of Chile were rocked by an 8.2-magnitude earthquake Tuesday night, but geologists have warned that a larger quake could be waiting in the wings.

The earthquake, which hit off the northern Chile’s coast, killed at least six people and triggered a tsunami.

Caltech’s geophysicist Mark Simons said the 8.2 earthquake isn’t the large earthquake people are expecting for the region. In fact, people are expecting an even bigger earthquake. However, it may not happen tomorrow, the next day or even years from now.

Simons said it’s not known when this earthquake will take place.

Why are scientists expecting an even larger earthquake? It’s because the country sits along fault lines and arc of volcanoes that circle the Pacific Ocean. It’s called the “Ring of Fire”, which sees numerous volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Chile has seen its fair share of seismic activity in the last few decades. Since the early 1970s, Chile has had over one dozen earthquakes with a 7.0 or higher magnitude. In 2010, the country was hit by an 8.8 magnitude earthquake that killed approximately 500 people. It was so violent that one city was moved 10 feet westward.

Simons said the 8.2 quake is interesting because its fault line has been constantly in motion for the past 140 years.

Smaller quakes have rocked the region in the last few weeks – registering in the 6.0 and higher range.

Simons said when earthquakes occur, the surface will rupture. But, in Tuesday’s quake, the area north and south did not do this. In fact, he said, the region has yet to rupture in the last 140 or so years.

He said given how frequent the rupture and quakes are, it’s just a matter of time before the area experiences a big earthquake with an 8.8 or higher magnitude.

Again, this may not happen for quite some time.

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Posted by on Apr 2 2014. Filed under New. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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